luna: i hate you

lulu: why

luna: ...

lulu sighs

lulu: i know, i know

lulu: we've been over this a bunch of times but...

luna: but what

lulu: well.. i don't think you've really figured it out yet

lulu: i've listened for a while now and we're stil struggling with the same old stuff

luna: yeah, sorry

lulu shrugs

lulu: what can you do

luna: i dunno, if i knew i'd just keep telling you to do it until it happens

lulu: heh, that's so not fair

lulu: you know that you'll just hate yourself (and me) even more when i don't do it

lulu: i mean you need to give me more to go off than just 'feel happy' or 'make friends'

luna: i know...

lulu: i know you know stupid

luna: ...

lulu: ...

luna: >:(

lulu: cheer up you miserable bitch ;P

lulu hug's luna

lulu: you don't hate me or yourself, you love us both dearly. you're just trying to justify why we're still suffering chronic depression and... well it's not really anyone's fault.

lulu: there isn't a single event or person you can blame for this, not even sophie. there isn't anyway to obtain solace. we will never 'come to terms' with her trauma, we will never accept the feelings of pain, humiliation and shame she carries as something that's "all in the past"

lulu: we will continue to feel sadness and regret for the missing years of her life until the end of our existance.

lulu: she, we, can only lessen the pain and impact on ourselves right now. well... i guess not right now, we all feel like shit lol. but eventually we could learn how to do this and maybe-

luna: maybe what

lulu: maybe then i'll start to hear some words from you other than "i hate you" :P
